

Training Beekeepers to be Successful

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Queen's Castle Beekeepers Assoc.

The Queen Castle Beekeepers Association was started as a time OJ Blount would set aside to spend with new beekeepers. He wanted to share his 50 plus years of experience with people interested in beekeeping. He explained the Queen Castle hive he designed and why every detail was important to allow the bees to live their lives in a natural environment free of chemicals. After about 6 months of meeting with him the group grew and decided to formalize the meeting and establish a club. It was natural for us to name our club after his amazing hive. At our first official meeting on August 28, 2010 Lucy Evans was elected president, OJ Blount-vice president and Keith Robinson-secretary/treasurer and we have a photographer, Sharon Campbell. It is one of the few clubs that meets early on a weekend to help our members develop their beekeeping skills. During the winter months we will be meeting in OJ’s basement and we have plans to build our own building on his property. Our location is central to Northwest Florida and South/Central Alabama so we have many people coming from both locations. We have even had a bee supplier come to sell needed supplies to everyone. We look forward to the future as more beekeepers join us in a relaxed learning environment.
















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